Last Twilight revolves around a wayward college student who unexpectedly finds himself becoming the caretaker of a former badminton player on the brink of losing his sight. The journey to discover the meaning of life for these two young men begins as one's vision deteriorates but their feelings flourish. Day, a talented young badminton player, is facing the grim prospect of losing his sight within the next 180 days. His mother, Ramhon, and his older brother, Night, are on a quest to find a caregiver for him. Their search leads them to Mhok, a good-for-nothing technical college student struggling so much with his life, who applies for the job solely because of the enticing pay. While caring for Day, Mhok has Porjai, his ex-girlfriend who is now his friend, as his life coach and Aon, Day's beloved older friend who is also visually impaired, who gives him guidance in order to help Day adjust to life as a blind person. Simultaneously, Day must come to terms with August, his badminton partner with unresolved issues, and reveal his true feelings to Gee, his closest friend. The mission to change Day's life before his world goes dark begins.